
Thursday, 12 July 2012

Seasons Full Circle

Have started a new chapter in my life and decided it was important to create a new blog that reflects and tells of those changes.

I'm looking forward to sharing more songs and stories as I continue to grow. I am excited to see what the future brings. I hope to be able to continue to achieve in my sporting endeavours and relate those accomplishments in photos and results.

Here is my song Seasons Full Circle recorded last year that tells of the changes we go through as the seasons change.


  1. Hooray! Managed to find your new blog. Hope things go well in all you do.

  2. Wishing you the best with your new blog! I've changed your blog address and name in my blogroll on my blog. Life's changes - "Seasons" definitely can leave you feeling unsettled at times but we all adjust; re-evaluate and find a new direction. We are doing some re-evaluating and making some changes in our lives here as well.

  3. Hi Paul, sorry I've not been to visit for a while - life sometimes just gets in the way doesn't it.
    I hope your new blog is a success for you - I look forward to coming back again. Take care!!!
